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compression chamber中文是什么意思

用"compression chamber"造句"compression chamber"怎么读"compression chamber" in a sentence


  • 高压室
  • 气压匣, 气压室, 加压室
  • 受压室
  • 压力室
  • 压缩室


  • Maintenance instructions for the surface compression chamber
  • Technical requirements of fire safety in compression chambers
  • Compression chamber volume
  • The compression chamber is about the size of a pencil eraser , the fuel injectors are pen - point holes and the turbine is about the size of a 10 cent piece
  • And also , the dynamic simulative models of compression chamber , hot chamber , cold chamber , connecting hose and regenerator were built and calculated using the node analytical method
  • Geometric , kinetic , and lifetime analysis of anti - rotation mechanism with thrust ball - bearing is conducted , which is commonly employed in the scroll compressor of automotive air - conditioning system , and its wear during later stage ' s operation is also analysed quantitatively . it is pointed out that , in the case of having radial flexible mechanism , the wear between anti - rotation mechanism and scroll wrap exhibits synchronism and self - compensation . otherwise slight rotation would take place with that mechanism and orbiting scroll , resulting in asymmetric pressure within compression chamber pair and radial leakage
用"compression chamber"造句  
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